Healthy Life HRA

This report explains your health risks as a 52 year old male.

Current Age


Risk Age


Your risk age compares you to other people your age and sex for all causes of death

Target Age


Your target age is what your risk age could be if you made changes to your lifestyle.

Your answers point to lots of changes you can make to reduce your risks and live healthy. Making lifestyle changes can reduce your risk age by 9.4 years.

What you can do to lower your risk age:

lower blood pressure
increase hdl cholesterol
lower total cholesterol
lose weight
reduce alcohol use

Guidelines for good health:

  • A good systolic blood pressure is less than 130.
  • A good HDL is greater than 55.
  • A good total cholesterol is less than 200.
  • Consider losing 19 pounds over the next 12 months.
  • Alcohol in moderation is best
  • Read reference information for iterpreting this report here.

Compare to opportunities from your prior report:

lower blood pressure
increase hdl cholesterol
lower total cholesterol
lose weight
reduce alcohol use

Routine preventative services recommended for men your age:

  • Get a flu shot every year.
  • Have your cholesterol and blood pressure checked.
  • Get a dental exam regularly.
  • All adults should get tested for HIV at least once as part of routine health care.
  • See your doctor for colorectal screening.

General recommendations for everyone:

  • Exercise briskly for 20-60 minutes at least three times per week
  • Choose a variety of foods that are low in fat and high in fiber

Mortality Risks of the most common causes of death:

Heart Attack
Liver Cirrhosis
Motor Vehicle Injury
Colon Cancer
0 40 80
Deaths per 1,000 individuals annually
target risk

How to lower your risks:

Heart Attack and Stroke:
Avoid all tobacco products, maintain a healthy weight, and keep healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Motor Vehicle Injury:
Drive the speed limit, wear your seat belt, and don't drink and drive.
Diabetes Mellitus:
Control your weight and follow your doctor's advice.
Lung Cancer:
Avoid all tobacco products.

Stress Risk

your risk
very low risk average risk very high risk

Your stress level is similar to the average person. Keep in mind it is still important to keep track of any sources of stress in your life. Make time to do things that help you feel well. These could include exercise, eating healthy, getting enough rest and sleep and finding a coping mechanism that works well for you (e.g. meditation, breathing exercises, prayer).

Sleep Risk

your risk
very low risk average risk very high risk

You are currently at a slightly higher level of risk due to poor sleep quality than most people. It is important for you to

  1. Keep a consistent sleep schedule
  2. Get close to 7 hours of sleep per night
  3. Avoid screen time (phone, tablet, or TV) just before bedtime
If these strategies are not effective at helping with sleep, talk to your doctor.

Nutrition Risk

your risk
very low risk average risk very high risk

You are doing some good things with your diet, but some of your eating habits could be healthier. Consider making changes to what you eat and talk to your doctor before any big changes. It is best to start with small changes. Some options to consider are:

  1. Eating 1 more healthy food each day
  2. Eat 1 fewer unhealthy food each day
  3. Replace one sweetened drink with an unsweetened or lightly sweetened drink each day
  4. Replace a snack or desert with a piece of fruit or handful of nuts
  5. Cook a meal or vegetable with olive oil instead of butter

Burnout Risk

Not computed.

Mental Health

Depression Risk

your risk
very low risk average risk very high risk

Your answers show no sign of depression. This is a good sign for your overall mental health.

Anxiety Risk

your risk
very low risk average risk very high risk

Your answers show no signs of anxiety. This is a good sign for your overall mental health.

Physical Health

Body Weight Risk

199 lbs - your BMI is 30.0
79lbs 296lbs
healthy weight

Your BMI is 30.0, indicating your weight is in the obese category for adults of your height.

For your height, a normal weight range would be from 121 to 163 pounds.

People who are overweight or obese are at higher risk for chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.

Cardiorespiratory Fitness Risk

your risk
very low risk average risk very high risk

High Risk: You have a higher than average mortality risk based upon your cardiorespiratory fitness. You may be able to improve by exercising more often at a level that increases your heart rate. Talk to your doctor about an exercise program that is right for you. For many people a good way to start exercising is to go for a walk. You can make exercise more fun by bringing a friend or a pet.

Action Plan

Print and complete this personal action plan with your healthcare provider. Keep it in your home to remind you of your commitment to living a healthy life.

My Health Goals

  • Eat Healthy
  • Exercise More
  • Lose Weight
  • Lower Blood Pressure

Specific Actions

  • Eat some fruits and vegetables every day
  • Avoid sodas and other sweetened beverages
  • Limit my intake of fast food
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Ride my bike or walk instead of driving
  • Do some light exercise every day
  • Replace high fat foods with leaner options
  • Lower my sodium (salt) intake
  • Always use a seat belt
  • Drive within 5mph of the speed limit
  • Never drink and drive or drive with a drunk person
  • Wear my helmet while riding a bike
  • Have my feet checked by my doctor
  • Have an eye exam
  • Complete an annual wellness visit
  • Review my list of medicines with my doctor
  • Get a cholesterol test
  • Have my blood pressure checked
  • Take my medicines as prescribed
  • Get a flu shot
  • Get a good night's sleep every night

Deaths per 100,000 men over the next 10 years

This table shows the chances of you dying from different causes. The risk numbers are created by combining your answers with the results of scientific research. Higher numbers mean greater risk, and lower numbers mean lower risk.

Cause of death Men on average Men like you Men like you who live healthy
1. Heart Attack 1970 7199 1288
2. Lung Cancer 810 151 151
3. Liver Cirrhosis 389 378 189
4. All Other Unintentional Injury 347 347 347
5. Suicide 333 333 333
6. Emphysema/Bronchitis 311 62 62
7. Diabetes Mellitus 274 274 274
8. Stomach Cancer 228 228 228
9. Stroke 219 571 206
10. Pancreatic Cancer 183 143 143
11. Poisoning 181 181 181
12. Colon Cancer 174 174 57
13. Hypertensive Heart Disease 145 145 145
14. Esophageal Cancer 142 77 77
15. Leukemia 119 119 119

Provider Report

Your provider should discuss the information below with you:


Indicators Risk Level Assessed Values Units
Weight High 199 lbs
BMI High 30.3 kg/m2
Blood Pressure Medication yes
Total Cholesterol Average 211 mg/dl

Personal Risk Factors

Indicators Risk Level Assessed Values Units
Drunk Driving Low 0 Trips/Month
Alcohol Use Low 13 Drinks/Week
Depression Screen (PHQ) Low 1
Anxiety Screen (GAD) Low 1
VO2 max Average 34.4
ASCVD Risk Patient has already had a cardiovascular event.

Preventative Service Risks

Indicators Risk Level Assessed Values Units
Last Colorectal Screening

Report ID: C06-F217, Server Timestamp: 2021-05-26 14:42:59